martes, 6 de abril de 2010

The cravings for vengeance take engineer Valentín Trejos (Juan Manuel Tenuta) to cross the Atlantic in his little sailboat in order to interfere with the plans of Danny Fusco (Osvaldo Laport), an international criminal who travels from Madrid to Punta del Este for a drug transaction.
Before leaving, Danny Fusco calls his mistress, the beautiful Christine (Elizabeth Bradley), with his cellular phone from the airport of Barajas, to make sure everything is OK in Punta del Este, city where Trejos is waiting for him.
The woman's voice shows anxiety to see him, to which Danny answers with indifference, hiding the fact that he is at the same moment boarding towards the city, where she and his gangsters are waiting to carry out the crime, as arranged.
The fact is, Christine is in that same moment tied up to the bed with her mouth gagged. Near the bed, Nora, Trejos' dog, is guarding the room's door, in a menacing attitude.
Further away, the main character's voice Valentín Trejos continues the conversation we heard back at Barajas airport, faking the girl's voice.
In the room Trejos uses a notebook to operate a voice faking device, which is in this opportunity imitating Christine's voice, in order to convince Danny Fusco that everything is peaceful and following its course in Punta del Este.
Later on, he will fake the voices of the different members of the gang, creating the feelings of confusion and mistrust among them.
Fusco and three members of the gang board the plane, without suspecting that in the end of the trip, a man is waiting to settle old scores. That man, Trejos, gives them a chance to defend themselves.
At Barajas airport, somebody gives one of the gang members an envelope with a lot of papers that would be picked up in the Uruguayan Airport.
During the flight, Tristán La Motte (Diego Delgrossi), an intellectual, -lieutenant of Danny- who's in charge of the falsifications and computer related works of the gang, begins to notice that these papers are the printing test of a story, that is by accident extraordinarily similar to Danny Fusco and his gang's plans.
The novel Tristán La Motte reads during the flight Barajas - Punta del Este, is no more and no less than the crime they plan to comit.
The effort to explain the meaning of these papers, whose characters have names very similar to their own, and his fight to convince Danny Fusco that they're going into a trap, are the subject of discussion during the flight.
Trejos' plan is too rigid and for some strange reason it cannot be altered, the challenge of anticipating what's to come to the very characters, puts in risk the veteran's plan, giving Danny fusco the chance of repent and to take precautions against Trejos' voices' trap, evading a Hunt in Punta del Este.

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